Historical News Articles

20th August 2022

Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58 welcomes the Kelso Laddie

On Sunday 10th July 2022, the Kelso Laddie, Callum Davidson, Right-Hand Man, Mark Henderson and Left-Hand Man, Sean Hook, along with invited guests from the Kelso Laddies Association visited the town’s Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58. 

The visitors were given a hearty welcome by the Right Worshipful Master, Mick Todd, and the Brethren of the Lodge. The Secretary, Tim Slater, gave a brief presentation about Freemasonry, the Lodge’s 320 hundred years of history and the commendable charitable work and donations given, not only by the Kelso Lodge but all the Lodges throughout Scotland. The Kelso Laddie was presented with a bottle of the Grand Master Mason’s finest spirit along with a gift voucher. The Lodge also presented a cheque to the Kelso Laddies Association for £150 towards sponsorship of this year’s Civic Week events.

The Kelso Laddies Association then enjoyed the hospitality of the Lodge. All agreed that this first visit to the Lodge had been a worthwhile exercise with both organisations having common goals and values.

Borders Women's Aid

Borders Women’s Aid is a voluntary organisation comprising of a dedicated group of women who support women with a mission of supporting women to live empowered lives, free from domestic abuse in all its forms, embracing the values of Equality, Respect, Commitment, Trust. Their vision is simple – having a community where all women & children can be safe and strong.
The Master of the Lodge of Melrose St. John No. 1bis, Bro. Ken Ross, was keen to support this very worthwhile cause and with the help and support from the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Scottish Borders and a number of generous Lodges in the Province (Melrose St John 1bis, Kelso & Tweed 58, St Ebbe  70 Eyemouth, Hawick 111, St John Coldsteam 280 and Hawick BURA 424) raised £1, 900.
The BWA said “we are thrilled about this and so very grateful that our service is being talked about and supported in this way”.
To find out more about the great work this organisation does, please click on the image or download more information by clicking here 

7th March 2022

Borders General Hospital TV Appeal

Brother Mark Hay of Lodge Kelso & Tweed 58 was recently admitted to the Borders General Hospital after suffering a heart attack, from which he has now thankfully made a full recovery. 

During his five days stay there were no visiting options, just Mark and the people he shared the ward with. There was no TV in the ward although he did have his smart phone for entertainment. On observing the situation, he realised that there are many people in the BGH long term who can’t get visits or have no family. Some can’t work a phone or don’t have one at all. In many cases, the wards do not have a working TV so patients can’t keep up with the outside world or even to have something to help pass the time!

An appeal was sent out to the freemasons of the Scottish Borders to support this project which raised a magnificent sum and £3700, with donations from the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Scottish Borders, the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the Border Province and from Lodges, St John Melrose 1bis, St John Selkirk 32, Kelso & Tweed 58, St John Jedburgh 104 and the Hawick Lodge 111 and this added to that received from the general public made a grand total of £9000.

This has enabled TVs to be installed in 20 wards in the BGH as well as 8 wards in the Kelso Hospital and a further 2 heading for the Hawick Community Hospital. The project now has a surplus which will ensure that the equipment will be maintained for the foreseeable future.

This initiative will affect us all at some time in our lives and we record our grateful thanks to the Brethren and Companions of the Scottish Borders for their generosity and to Brother Mark for his initiative.

12th December 2021

Collaborative Approach to Delivering Community Support


Kelso’s Broomlands Primary School is located in the Heart of the Scottish Borders, providing an excellent education provision for about 250 young learners. Further to a survey conducted by some of the Primary 7 Pupils, it was found that the majority of pupils wanted to see improved play equipment in the playground and voted to have Playground Climbing Frame Apparatus and immediately started fundraising under the name of “Project Playground”

The School has an active Parent Council, a small team of dedicated and committed parents and volunteers to support the school and pupils. Fundraising is part of the Parent Council’s remit, helping the school to purchase those nice to have items that the Local Authority is no longer able to provide, sadly, due to their program of fundraising activities being severely reduced because of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis, they have been unable to contribute to Project Playground at a level they would normally have been able to do so.

Freemasons in the Borders became aware of the project and decided to help. The Borders Youth Support Scheme, a scheme operated by the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Scottish Borders, donated £250, Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58 donated £250 and The Lodge of Melrose St. John No. 1bis also assisted by donating £200. Representatives visited the School on 12 October 2021 to hand over the £700.

Pam Guthrie, joint Chairperson of the Parent Council was delighted by the generosity of the Masons and thanked them very much for their support.

Pictured (L to R)   Bro. Ken Ross, Master of the Lodge of Melrose St. John No. 1bis, Bro. Mick Todd, Master of Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58, Paula Lowrie, member of the Broomlands Primary School Parent Council, Amy & Lauryn from the School, Pam Guthrie, Joint Chairperson of the Parent Council, Bro. James Thom, Depute Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Scottish Borders and Bro. Bill Heaney, Past Master of Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58.

James Thom DPGM
12th October 2021

High Honour for Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58

Brother Andrew Elliot Forsyth, Past Master of Lodge Kelso & Tweed, is pictured here with the Brethren of Lodge Kelso & Tweed and the Grand Master Mason, Brother Ramsay McGhee, on the occasion of his Installation as Provincial Grand Master of the Scottish Borders.
Read the full report of the event here.
10th September 2021

Another Blooming Fine Donation

Bro. Mick Todd, The Master of Lodge Kelso and Tweed No. 58 is pictured presenting a cheque for £500 to the Chairman of Kelso In Bloom, Gav Horseburgh. Well done Kelso in Bloom who work tirelessly to ensure that the town looks its best. Keep up your good work!
31st August 2021

Kelso in Bloom is a community run group who supply & maintain flower beds around the town of Kelso – Coldstream Road, Rose Lane, Kelso Square, Kelso War Memorial, Kelso Memorial Garden.
We can only do this with the help of volunteers – Please Help US

Kelso & Tweed Supporting Guide Dogs UK

Lodge Kelso & Tweed 58 are delighted to support Cheryl and Guide Dogs UK.

Cheryl Marchbank is raising money for Guide Dogs and wheeled herself 5 miles in her manual wheel chair on 10th July 2021 from Hawick to Denholm with her guide dog Nala at her side. Our Right Worshipful Master Bro Mick Todd and Secretary Bro Tim Slater PM presented Cheryl with a cheque for £250.

“I qualified with my dog Nala in 2019. I love having the freedom and independence to go out on my own and do every day things. I’m loving my life now more than ever all thanks to the amazing work of Guide Dogs. They really do change lives”.
          Well done Cheryl!

Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow

The Northumberland Masonic Demonstration Team at Kelso Town Hall September 2019

“Great oaks from little acorns grow” is a 14th century proverb but it’s as relevant today as it was seven hundred years ago.   After that fantastic Northumberland Masonic Demonstration Team visit to Lodge Kelso & Tweed last September, our IPM Bro Gareth Davies asked if the team would be prepared to make a small donation to a charity supported by his wife Judi, Newcastle Vision Support (formerly Newcastle Society for Blind People established in 1867, which incidentally pre-date the Royal National Institute for the Blind) and this was unanimously agreed to by the team.   

At Newcastle Vision Support’s Christmas lunch on Tuesday 12th December Bro Kevin Maughan, a member of the NMDT team, presented the CEO of NVS Sue Gregg with a cheque for £500.   The lunch was attended by Bro Gareth who was taken aback by the sum donated and there’s even better news!    Bro Gareth received an email from Sue informing him that the Masonic Charitable Foundation has awarded NVS £5000 each year for three years.   In Sue’s words, “This will help greatly towards our core costs”.   To think it all started with that wonderful Saturday meeting in Kelso Town Hall.

Kelso & Tweed Supporting our local Marie Curie Volunteers

We are happy to support our local Marie Curie volunteers by providing the Lodge Rooms for their fundraising activities.  Well done ladies!  Read more…

Blooming Fine Donation

Bro. Mick Todd (right), The Master of Lodge Kelso and Tweed No. 58 is pictured presenting a Cheque for £500 to The Honorary Provost of Kelso, Dean Weatherston, in support of Kelso In Bloom who work tirelessly to ensure that the town looks its best. Well done to Kelso in Bloom, keep up your good work!
9th October 2019