Calendar 2024


We extend warm fraternal greetings to all who would like to visit Lodge Kelso & Tweed. Please find appended below our Lodge Calendar for the season. All meetings start at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated.

Saturday 13th of January 2024: Annual Installation and Dinner 
At 3.00pm in the Lodge Rooms with the Dinner thereafter in the Lesser Tait Hall.

Saturday 10th February 2024 – Lodge Burns Supper
Details TBA

Wednesday 21st February 2024 – Regular Meeting, Tyle 7.30pm:
Minutes, Correspondence
FC Degree

Wednesday 20th March 2024 – Regular Meeting, Tyle 7.30pm:
Minutes, Correspondence
FC Degree

Wednesday 17th April 2024 – Regular Meeting, Tyle 7.30pm:
Minutes, Correspondence
MM Degree

Friday 24th May 2024 – Military Degree, Kelso Town Hall, Tyle 7.00pm:
Fund raising event for Armed Forces Veterans
FC Degree
Harmony thereafter in the Lodge Rooms

July 2024 – Kelso Laddie’s visit to Lodge Kelso & Tweed

July 2024 – Civic Week, 10K Run Marshalling

July 2024 – Civic Week, Lodge Open Day