The Borders Quarrymen hold their first Meeting

The start of something new.
A number of younger Lodge Members within the Province met at Lodge Kelso and Tweed with a view to creating and operating a “Young Masons Group” aimed at young and new members of the craft.  

The Grand Lodge of Scotland has embarked on an exciting new journey to increase the active participation of young members by establishing Scottish Constitution Young and New Masons Groups, at home and overseas. In so doing, a network of groups will be created. This worldwide network will be called the “Apprentice Pillars”. 
To pilot this initiative, the Grand Lodge, through the Information and Communications Committee, has launched a Working Party tasked with supporting the formation of young Masons groups across all Provinces, Districts and Grand Superintendencies. To this end, the Grand Master Mason has placed this initiative high on his agenda and encourages all Provinces, Districts and Grand Superintendencies to begin forming such groups.
Grand Lodge defines a young Mason as “a Brother who is in good standing, has been a member of the Craft for less than seven years and/or both is younger than age 45.”