Lodge Kelso & Tweed 58

Since 1701 - the oldest Fraternal Society in Kelso

A new Chain of Office for the Master's second term

On the 13th January 2024, at the Annual Meeting of Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58, Bro. Tim Slater PM was installed as  the Right Worshipful Master for a second term. The ceremony was conducted in an exemplary fashion in front of a packed house  by Installing Masters Bro. Cliff Worrell and Bro. Drew Forsyth.

Pictured (L to R): Installing Master, Bro. Drew Forsyth, Bro. Tim Slater PM, Master of Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58 and Installing Master, Bro. Cliff Worrell.

Prior to the Installation, in a moving ceremony, the Worshipful Depute Provincial Grand Master, Bro. James Thom and the Worshipful Senior Provincial Grand Chaplain, Bro. Michael Laidlaw consecrated and dedicated the new Master’s Chain of Office. 

Pictured below is the Master’s Chain incorporating serpentine braid, thistles and the Mark Tokens of the former Kelso Lodges, Kelso 58 and Tweed 261.

Following the Installation the Brethren retired to the Tait Hall where the company sat down to dinner. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent with toasts and entertainment, the following being the programme of proceedings.